Saturday, August 22, 2020
FCAPs Essays - Latin Alphabets, English Phonology,
FCAPS Doug Farnsworth System Management Abstr?ct ?obv?ous ?rror, Conf?gur?t?on, Account?ng, P?rform?nc?, ?nd S?cur?ty?, FCAPS ?s th? k?y conc?pt us?d to ch?r?ct?r?s? th? ov?r?ll funct?on?l?ty of ?n ?nt?rpr?s? ?dm?n?str?t?on syst?m. Th? ?d of FCAPS st?ms ?x?ctly from ITU.T r?comm?nd?t?ons th?t r?counts th? f?v? d?st?nct k?nds of d?t? m?n?g?d by m?n?g?m?nt sch?m?s FCAPS Introduct?on FCAPS ?s ? m?n?g?m?nt ?nd sup?rv?s?on solut?on th?t follows th? Int?rn?t?on?l T?l?commun?c?t?ons Un?on. Th? ITU d?f?n?d th? TMN ?rch?t?ctur? (T?l?commun?c?t?on M?n?g?m?nt N?twork) ?n 1988. How?v?r th?s mod?l ?s ornt?d to T?l?commun?c?t?on ?nd N?twork ?nd FCAPS ?s mor? th?n ? N?twork M?n?g?r yet should b? sn ?s ?n Inform?t?on Syst?m Sup?rv?sor ?nd M?n?g?r. D?v?c?s sup?rv?s?d by FCAPS ?nclud? syst?ms ?nd s?rv?rs, n?twork d?v?c?s, pr?nt?rs, ?ndustrl p?r?ph?r?ls ?tc. D?scuss?on F?ult D?t?ct?on ?s th? f?rst go?l of FPA. Th? embrace? numb?r of hlth ?nd?c?tor to sup?rv?s? ?n Inform?t?on Syst?m ?s ?mposs?bl? w?thout ? c?ntr?l?z? solut?on th?t coll?ct ?nd d?spl?y thos? ?nd?c?tors (Andr?w, 2002). FCAPS prov?d?s f?rst ? conv?nnt w?y of v?rtu?lly stor?ng th? d?v?c?s to m?n?g?. Th?y ?r? cl?ss?fd ?n ? book or d?r?ct?ons tr structur? th?t ?s compl?t?ly concv?d by th? m?n?g?r th?r?for? th? structur? ?s ?lw?ys w?ll ?ccl?m?t?z?d to th? comp?ny ?nfr?structur? or on the other hand org?n?z?t?on. V?su?l curr?nt st?tus of d?v?c?s ?s d?spl?y?d ?n ?lmost rl t?m? ?n th? d?r?ctory however ?lso on gr?ph?c?l IP M?p (th? Int?rn?twork MAP) or ?n org?n?z?t?on?l vw (Act?v? Vw). Th? F?ult D?t?ct?on w?th FCAPS ?s v?ry f?st b?c?us? th? f?ulty d?v?c? or on the other hand ?ppl?c?t?on ?s p?npo?nt?d by ?ts shading ?n ? bl?nk of ?n ?y?. Add?t?on?l progr?ms c?ll?d Plug-?n prov?d?d oth?r w?ys for f?ult d?t?ct?on. Among th?s? on? : Proc?ss Surv?yor d?t?ct f?ulty or m?ss?ng proc?ss?s und?r W?ndows or Un?x, Bulk Thr?shold Control d?t?cts ?ny ch?ng?s or ?ncorr?ct v?lu?s ?n th? SNMP MIB obj?cts, Bulk TCP pull?r d?t?cts unr?spond?ng TCP ports ?tc. M?jor Funct?on?l Ars F?ult F?ult ?dm?n?str?t?on ?s ? s?t of purpos?s wh?ch ?ndows th? d?t?ct?on, ?sol?t?on ?nd corr?ct?on of ?bnorm?l proc?dur? of th? t?l?commun?c?t?on m?sh ?nd ?ts ?nv?ronm?nt. F?ult m?n?g?m?nt ?nsur?s th?t s?rv?c? cont?nu?s ?vl?bl?. Conf?gur?t?on m?n?g?m?nt Conf?gur?t?on ?dm?n?str?t?on prov?d?s purpos?s to exercise comm?nd ov?r, r?cogn?s?, coll?ct f?cts ?nd f?gur?s from ?nd prov?d? f?cts ?nd f?gur?s to NEs. Account?ng M?n?g?m?nt Account?ng M?n?g?m?nt ?ndows th? ?st?m?t?on of th? us? of n?twork s?rv?c?s ?nd th? conclus?on of expenses to th? s?rv?c? prov?d?r ?nd ?ll?g?t?ons to th? clnt?l? for such us?. It ?lso c?rrs th? conclus?on of ch?rg?s for s?rv?c?s. P?rform?nc? M?n?g?m?nt P?rform?nc? ?dm?n?str?t?on ?ng?g?s th? p?r?od?c coll?ct?on of v?lu? of s?rv?c? m?tr?cs QOS th?t d?st?nu?sh th? pr?s?nt?t?on of th? m?sh ?nd sch?m? r?sourc?. On? of ?ts go?l ?s to f?nd n?twork cong?st?on ?nd bottl?n?cks ?nd m?n?m?z?d th?m by subs?qu?nt ?ct?on. S?cur?ty M?n?g?m?nt S?cur?ty M?n?g?m?nt ought to m?n?m?z? un?uthor?z?d or un?nt?nt?on?l g?t ?cc?ss to n?twork comm?nd funct?ons. S?cur?ty m?n?g?m?nt funct?ons dls w?th ?nsur?ng l?g?t?m?t? us?, mntn?ng conf?d?ntl?ts, d?t? ?nt?gr?ty ?nd ?ud?t ?b?l?ty (M?rsh?ll, 1990). Th? loc?l?z?t?on of th? f?ult ?s obv?ous w?th th? Guide d?spl?y (th? r?spons?bl? ?qu?pm?nt ?s r?d color?d) ?nd w?th th? Hl Control C?nt?r th?t f?lt?rs d?v?c?s by ?ts loc?t?on ?n th? d?r?ctory ?nd by ?ts curr?nt st?tus. Furth?rmor?, for embrace? n?tworks w?th hundr?ds of nod?s ? srch device h?lps to f?nd ? d?v?c? ?n th? d?r?ctory or on th? Guide. Act?ons c?n b? t?k?n on st?tus ch?ng? ?nd st?rt ? dgnost?c apparatus d?d?c?t?d to th? ?ncr?m?n?t?d d?v?c?. Th? v?r?f?c?t?on of conn?ct?v?ty ?s ?vl?bl? ?v?rywh?r? ?n th? GUI by s?mpl? p?ng or SNMP r?qu?st or w?th ?dv?nc?d dgnost?c apparatuses l?k? our gr?ph?c?l Tr?c? Defeat? or on the other hand th? P?th Tr?c? instrument. To f?nd f?ults ?n Sw?tch ?nd Br?dg? n?twork ?rch?t?ctur? us?ng th? sp?nn?ng Tr ?lgor?thm us th? Sp?nn?ng Tr Br?dg? Guide plug-?n. Import?nc? Th? loc?l?z?t?on of th? f?ult ?s obv?ous w?th th? Guide d?spl?y (th? r?spons?bl? ?qu?pm?nt ?s r?d color?d) ?nd w?th th? Hlth Control C?nt?r th?t f?lt?rs d?v?c?s by ?ts loc?t?on ?n th? d?r?ctory ?nd by ?ts curr?nt st?tus. Furth?rmor?, for embrace? n?tworks w?th hundr?ds of nod?s ? srch device h?lps to f?nd ? d?v?c? ?n th? d?r?ctory or on th? Guide. Act?ons c?n b? t?k?n on st?tus ch?ng? ?nd st?rt ? dgnost?c device d?d?c?t?d to th? ?ncr?m?n?t?d d?v?c?. Th? v?r?f?c?t?on of conn?ct?v?ty ?s ?vl?bl? ?v?rywh?r? ?n th? GUI by s?mpl? p?ng or SNMP r?qu?st or w?th ?dv?nc?d dgnost?c apparatuses l?k? our gr?ph?c?l Tr?c? Defeat? or on the other hand th? P?th Tr?c? apparatus. R?f?r?nc?s Marshall T. Rose, (1990) ?The Open Book? (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, (2002) ?Computer
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