Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Brief History of Autism Essay - 1389 Words

The term autism was first used by psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler in 1908. He used it to describe one of his patients that had schizophrenia. He used it to describe his patient who had withdrawn into his own world. The pioneers of the study of ASDs were Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger. They both worked separately and studied different children. In their research, both of their studies showed that the children that they were studying showed similar characteristics. Both Kanner’s and Asperger’s children had problems in social activity and were different from normal children in terms of fine motor skills. (Mandal) What is Autism? Autism spectrum disorder is a broad term for many diseases, one of them being autism, that affect how a kid thinks,†¦show more content†¦These children also have low muscle tone and mass. Mostly because they are inactive. This limits their motor skills. Most of them are also very sensitive to sounds, touch, taste, and smells that are unusual. For example, an alarm, a fluorescent light, scratchy fabrics, etc. They have deficiency problems with their immune system and severe allergies. This includes harsh rashes, allergic sensitivities, gastrointestinal and ear infections as well. Some of them also have hearing and visual impailments. Many of you have probably wondered. Is there a cure for ASD? Can you recover from ASD? â€Å"You cannot recover from autism, but you can improve†(Wiseman 41). Professionals believe that once a child has been diagnosed with an ASD it can’t fully recover. This does not mean that the person cannot improve; just that ASD is a lifelong diagnosis. You can’t fully recover, but you can work hard to be almost completely normal. Usually, the cure begins with a lot of expert advice. You should also spend more time with your child. Jacob’s mom was told that her kid would never be able to even tie his shoes, but she worked with him numerous hours in order to achieve that long desired goal. You can also work with your kid. Everything is possible through God. You should always pray and ask God for advice. The recovery process won’t be easy. In fact, it will be horrible. But it is not impossible. There have been multiple stories of kids with autism that have notShow MoreRelatedEssay about A Brief History of Autism Spectrum Disorder1558 Words   |  7 PagesAutism was first presented in 1943 by Leo Kanner when he was conducting a several children study; he later described the children as having withdrawn behaviour. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the suitable treatments used in behavioural therapy were focused on medications such as LSD and electrical shock as a form of pain and punishment (WebMD Medical Reference, 2014). 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